
Department of Research (SATHRI)

South Asia Theological Research Institute

 [email protected]


Department of Research/SATHRI of Serampore College (University)

| ⇒ D.Min Admission -2025|| ⇒ D.Min Seminar Fee Submission form | DMin Interview for admission : Candidates who cleared DMin entrance exam will have an personal interview in SATHRI Board room, in the month of March/April (date will be intimated later) |

Department of Research/SATHRI of Serampore College (University)

In view of the development of doctoral centres, since 1999, under Serampore, there arose a need for the review of the role of SATHRI/Research, a wing of BTESSC, located in Bangalore, was taken by the Board and the Senate. In the context of the role of SATHRI within the university, it is asserted that

1. SATHRI should play the role with the aim of coordinating and stimulating doctoral level research for the community of Serampore College/University, (given the changing scenario in education and research);

2. the research it promotes also integrally includes questions of pastoral concerns and social relevance.;

3. SATHRI’s academic programmes should respond positively beyond resorting to complaints and fears about falling academic standards and dilution in scholarship. Such efforts will be envisaged without compromising on issues of rigor, sound scholarship and so on;

The Board and the Senate in 2010 accepted the recommendations and the office of Research/SATHRI moved to Serampore so as to function as the Department of Research/SATHRI under the care of Senate of Serampore College (University), incorporating Research and SATHRI programme of the Senate and BTESSC. The primary task of Department of Research is to strengthen the academic programmes through providing teaching, to conduct research and to participate in the extension education programmes of the Senate. The Committee on Research, under the direction of the Senate of Serampore College (University,) is responsible for the academic affairs, financial matters and administrative arrangement of the Department of Research/SATHRI of the University.

The plans are underway for the construction of a research complex next to the Carey Library in Serampore College Campus. It will have offices, seminar rooms, reference rooms, research scholars rooms for twenty scholars, professor’s office-cum-consultation rooms, accommodation for national professors and scholars. A library cum residential complex will also be a part of this complex under the Council and Senate of Serampore College. Doctoral Centres: In 1999, Senate decided to de-centralized doctoral programme and recognized a few affiliated colleges that had the capacity, facilities and the infrastructure to develop their own doctoral programme according to the criteria laid down by the Senate of Serampore College as doctoral centres.