
Department of Research (SATHRI)

South Asia Theological Research Institute

 [email protected]


Administration of Department of Research/SATHRI-The Dean

| ⇒ D.Min Admission -2025|| ⇒ D.Min Seminar Fee Submission form | DMin Interview for admission : Candidates who cleared DMin entrance exam will have an personal interview in SATHRI Board room, in the month of March/April (date will be intimated later) |

The Dean

  1. The Head of the Department of Research/SATHRI is the Dean who is appointed by the Senate in accordance with the rules/procedures/statutes as laid down by the Senate.
  2. The Dean is the principal academic and executive officer responsible for smooth and efficient functioning of the Department in pursuit of the objectives.
  3. He/she is the Executive Officer for the Research Programme of the Senate under the guidance of the Committee for Research.
  4. He/she shall be the convener of the Committee for Research.
  5. He/she shall prepare and maintain records/Minutes of all meetings of the Research Committee, and be responsible for circulation of Minutes and their implementation in subsequent periods.
  6. He/she shall direct the programmes of Department at doctoral and non-degree levels as approved by the Senate and shall supervise and co-ordinate the programme at national level.
  7. He/she shall be responsible for planning and implementation of research programmes of D.Th candidates including exposure to other places in India or abroad as directed by the Research Committee.
  8. He/she shall maintain relationship with the doctoral centres and their respective research scholars.
  9. He/she shall be responsible for publication of research findings and co-operate with the Committees for theological publications under the Board/Senate.
  10. He/she shall report the decisions of the Committee Research to the Executive Committee, and to the Senate for approval.
  11. He/she shall be responsible for the general oversight, guidance, and supervision of D.Th. and non-doctoral candidates through the Committee for Research.
  12. He/she shall be responsible for general oversight and discipline of office staff and system.