
Department of Research (SATHRI)

South Asia Theological Research Institute

 [email protected]


| ⇒ D.Min Admission -2025|| ⇒ D.Min Seminar Fee Submission form | DMin Interview for admission : Candidates who cleared DMin entrance exam will have an personal interview in SATHRI Board room, in the month of March/April (date will be intimated later) |

Aims and Objectives

Theological education has the broad goal of equipping the people of God and the congregations, in their respective contexts, to live out the doxological-liturgical, koinonial, reflective, diakonal and missional dimensions of their existence, with a strong commitment to the liberation of the down-trodden (dalits, adivasis, tribals, women, the disabled, persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS, etc.). Reconciliation among all human beings (particularly in the multi-religious and pluralistic contexts), and integration and renewal of God’s wider creation (particularly in the context of ecological crises) are also a part of it.  In other words, the aim of theological education is to cultivate an integral and holistic spirituality that would enable the students to be sustained in their commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and be committed to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their living out the truth and values of the Gospel, thereby helping them become faithful and effective ministers/ teachers/ servant leaders in and through the Church and society.

Therefore the academic, professional and personal/communitarian and vocational formation of candidates are taken seriously under the Serampore system of theological education system. Serampore also emphasizes the importance of cultivating an ecumenical perspective, which, it believes, must be informed by one’s own inherited ecclesiastical tradition as well as by other traditions in the Indian religious context, and developing an open-minded and respectful attitude towards others, without giving up one’s own beliefs and traditions and at the same time be constructively critical to both one’s beliefs and traditions and those of others.

Offered us

  • Fully AC well furnished Classrooms
  • Scholarship to meritorious students
  • Library with book borrowing facilities
  • Wi-Fi Internet facility for all Hostel students
  • Food Court and Common Room facilities

We are offering Doctoral courses in Theological Education. With completion of doctoral degrees we are offering, you will be able to build a solid foundation for further training/study and to increase your employability.

We believe in the theory ”Education for All”. We are introducing a new concept “Student friendly ” in education system.

We will help you to build your career providing congenial learning environment within your reach. Come, join with us and go ahead for your bright future. With all good wishes,

Dr. Aswathy John