
Department of Research (SATHRI)

South Asia Theological Research Institute

 [email protected]


Responsibilities of the Supervisor/Supervisory Committees

| ⇒ D.Min Admission -2025|| ⇒ D.Min Seminar Fee Submission form | DMin Interview for admission : Candidates who cleared DMin entrance exam will have an personal interview in SATHRI Board room, in the month of March/April (date will be intimated later) |


  1. A supervisory committee consists of three supervisors, with two proposed by the Doctoral Research centre from a panel of professors approved by the Committee for Research and the third nominated by the Committee for Research, preferably from another Centre.
  2. The candidate should be living in the campus of the Doctoral Centre in close proximity to the Convenor of the supervisory committee. He/she shall guide the assigned candidate through the Assessment period.
  3. Supervisors should agree in writing to guide the candidate assigned to them by the Committee for Research. A regular guideline for supervisors may be given to them.
  4. Supervisors shall meet with their assigned candidates on a regular basis and monitor his/her progress.
  5. The Convenor of the supervisory committee should send quarterly/half-yearly progress reports to the Dean of Research/SATHRI. Any abnormality observed during the Assessment period should be taken seriously and be reported to the Dean of Research/SATHRI.
  6. The Convenor of the supervisory committee should ensure that the candidate receive feedback from other members of the supervisory committee on each of the Assessment papers so as to improve on the research methods and academic scholarship.