Responsibilities of Committee for Research
The Committee for Research shall be responsible for implementation of policies approved by the Senate. Its responsibilities shall be:
- To recommend policies for doctoral/non-doctoral research including eligibility of research students;
- To supervise the D.Th. research programme according to the procedures laid down by the Senate;
- To approve appointment of Supervisors for doctoral candidates from an approved panel;
- To enter into collaboration with educational institutions for the purpose of research within or without the country with the approval of the Senate;
- To encourage and facilitate publication of theological journals and other scholarly literature;
- To produce basic research tools and make available primary and secondary sources for theological research in consultation with the Academic Council and other relevant Committees of the Senate;
- To set up academic research facilities leading towards the D.Th. degree through the affiliated Colleges other equipped institutions;
- To appoint a Supervisory Committee as approved by the Senate, to perform such functions that are necessary for efficient working of the research programmes;
- To grant scholarships for D.Th. and non-doctoral research candidates;
- To raise financial resources for the required programme; prepare budget proposals, and submit the same to the Senate through the Finance Committee;
- To promote post-doctoral research and provide facilities for scholarly studies and research for theological teachers and pastors.