
Department of Research (SATHRI)

South Asia Theological Research Institute

 [email protected]



| ⇒ D.Min Admission -2025|| ⇒ D.Min Seminar Fee Submission form | DMin Interview for admission : Candidates who cleared DMin entrance exam will have an personal interview in SATHRI Board room, in the month of March/April (date will be intimated later) |

Rules & General Conduct of Discipline:

  1. As for teaching and learning process, a very peaceful, calm, and untroubled atmosphere is require. Maintenance of silence in the college campus is absolutely necessary.
  2. The college provides Identity Cards to all regular students. Students are required to bring the Identity Cards whenever they are in the college campus and to produce the same to the appropriate authority on demand. They are forbidden to bring outsiders without prior permission from the college authority. Duplicate Identity Card will be issued at the payment of Rs. 20/-, if it is lost.
  3. An act of discourtesy to girl students will be deemed as serious offence and will be punished accordingly.
  4. Smoking and chewing pan or pan-masala are strictly forbidden.
  5. Students are requested to co-operate with the college authorities in keeping the college and its compound clean. Lights and fans are to be switched off when not needed.
  6. Bicycles and Two-wheelers should be kept in proper place.
  7. Students are requested to use the different facilities available to them in just and proper manner. Improper use/wilful destruction of any article/furniture /accessories by a student will invite penal action.
  8. Playing music on Transistors, Tape-recorders, Mobile Telephones or any other similar gadgets with or without earphones is strictly prohibited in the college premises. Action will be taken against violators. Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in all areas of the main building. The college will not be responsible for loss/theft/damage of the same nor will entertain reports of the above. In case of emergency, college land lines may be used by the students with prior permission.
  9. Plucking of flowers within the College compound is forbidden.
  10. Violation of rules mentioned above will make a student liable to disciplinary action which in case of serious or repeated offences may include expulsion from the college.
  11. The College is under close surveillance of CCTV.

A student found in indulging in any unruly activity/ behavior in the campus will be suspended and / or expelled from the college.


Every student is required to give an undertaking in writing countersigned by the guardian at the time of admission to the effect that he/she will not indulge in act of ragging. Strict action will be taken in accordance with the directives of the Supreme Court in case any student is found to indulge in ragging.