
Department of Research (SATHRI)

South Asia Theological Research Institute

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Online SATHRI Library

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DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1969 Name Branch Title
1 James Edwin 9/66 Hist. of Christianity The Social Influence  and  Missionary Impact Upon India of the Evangelical Awakenings and “Revivals” of the 19th Century.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1970 Name Branch Title
1 John Thompson Seamonds 10/66 Hist. of Christianity An Interpretative History of the Methodist Church in the South India and Hyderabad Conferences.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1972 Name Branch Title
1 Jonathan H. Thumra 12/68 Religion The Religion of the Meiteis of Manipur:   A Study   of   the   Impact   of   Hinduism with Special    Reference    to    the    Chaitanya Vaishnavism of the Meitei Culture.


DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1974 Name Branch Title
1 Lenn Alton de Selva 17/71 Religion The Three Signata in Buddhism-An Examination in the Context of the Human Predicament with Special Reference to the Christian Understanding of Man.


DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1976 Name Branch Title
1 Manaputathu Varghese Abraham 21/74 New Testament St. Paul Understanding of His Apostleship and its Authority.
2 Manthanathu John Joseph 22/74 New Testament Paul’s Understanding of His Mission.
3 Harry Parkin 19/73 Christian Theology The Extent and Areas of Indian/Hindu
4 Metropolitan Mar Aprem 14/70 Hist. of Christianity The Chaldean Syrian Church in Trichur- Study of the History and Faith and Worship of the Chaldean Syrian Church in Trichur Since AD 1814 to the Present Day.


Sl No Name Branch Title
Most Rev. Paulos Mar Gregorios 16/71 Christian Theology God-World-Man Relationship in Gregory  of Nyssa with Special Reference to Some Contemporary Theological Problems.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1978 Name Branch Title
1 K.C. Abraham Interpreting Christian Social Ethics in Modern India A Comparative Evaluation of the Implications of the Theological  Writings of P. Chenchiah and  M.M. Thomas for Christian Social Ethics

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1979 Name Branch Title
1 Rev. Anugraha Behera 11/67 New Testament The Kerygma in Pauline Literature in Relation to the Gnostic Motif and its Implication for the Church in India Today.
2 Dharam Vir Singh 15/71 Hist. of Christianity The Ecumenical Bearings in India in  the 19th Century and their Impact on the World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh, 1910.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1981 Name Branch Title
1 Suppogu Joseph 23/74 New Testament Luke’s Adaptation of Traditional  Material to a Gentile Environment and the  Relevance of this i Presenting the Gospel to the Situation.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1982 Name Branch Title
1 Theodore R. Duraisamy 29/77 Hist. of Christianity Theology of Mission and the Methodist Church in Singapore and Malayasia and its Ministries.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1983 Name Branch Title
1 R. Paulraj 34/78 Christian Theology Salvation and Secular Humanists in India.
2 Godwin R. Singh 24/74 Religion Sikh Doctrine with Particular Reference to the Concept of Gurprasad.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1985 Name Branch Title
1 Charles W. Karunaratna 41/79 Hist. of Christianity Buddhism, Roman Catholicism and Dutch Presbyterianism in Ceylon till A.D. 1796.
2 K.P. Aleaz 30/77 Religion Sankara and Indian Christian Theology: An Investigation into the Possibility of Using Sankara’s Advaita Vedanta for Developing an Indian Christology.
3 Abraham Philip Athyal 28/77 Missiology The Recent Ecumenical Dialogue on the Meaning of Evangelism and its Relevance  in the Contemporary Indian Situation.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1986 Name Branch Title
1 Zaihmingthanga 38/79 New Testament Church in Luke-Acts.
2 Abraham Kuruvilla 47/81 Christian Ministry Impact of the Slum Culture on the Development of the Slum Child.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1987 Name Branch Title
1 James Vijayakumar 52/82 Old Testament Law and Society in Deuteronomy 19-25
2 R. Yesurathnam 32/78 Christian Theology An         Examination         of         Swami Abhiskitananda’s Dialogical Theology.
3 Jacob Kurien 45/80 Christian Theology Nature and Distiny of man in Origen: An Appraisal from a Sankrite Stand-Point.
4 T.P. Abraham 37/78 Hist. of Christianity Christian Unity Movements in India.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1988 Name Branch Title
1 Hielke T. Wolters 51/82 Christian Theology Interpretation   and    Relation   to    Hindu Scriptures
2 V. Devasahayam 64/84 Christian Theology The Role of the Bible in the Writings of Pandipeddi Chenchiah: Its Authority.


DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1990 Name Branch Title
1 D. Arthur Jeyakumar 43/80 Hist. of Christianity The Memoranda of 1919 and the National Movement with Special Reference to Protestant Christians in Tamilnadu: 1919-1939.
2 O.L. Snaitang 71/87 Hist. of Christianity Role of Christianity in Social Change Among the Khasi and Jaintia Tribals of Meghalaya from 1841 to the Present.
3 Israel Selvanayagam 69/86 Religion Post-Vedic Development in the Understanding of Yajan (Sacrifice) and the Response of the Bhagavad Gita-An Inquiry into an Historical-Hermeneutical Process.

1 F.J. Balasundaram 76/89 Hist. of Christianity The Ecumenical Association of Third  World Theologians and the Development of the Christian Thought in Asia: A Historical and Theological Interpretation.
2 C. V. Mathew 62/84 Religion A Historical Analysis of the Ideas and Practices of “Missionary” Trends in Hinduism with Special Reference to the Modern Period and its Implications to Christian Mission in India Today.
3 Arun I.S. Gopal 66/85 Christian Ministry A Critical Study of the Enculturation  Model of Christian Education and its Relevance to Christian Education in India Today.
4 P.S. Daniel 60/84 Religion Hindu Response to Religious Pluralism According to Representative thinkers
5 Ezamo Murry 70/87 Christian Ministry The Relationship between Religious Beliefs and Neurosis among the Kyong Christians of Nagaland

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1992 Name Branch Title
1 K.J. Gabriel 55/83 New Testament The Concept of the Glory of God in St. Paul’s with Reference to 2 Cor. 3:18, 4:46.
2 Timotheas Hembrom 53/83 Old Testament The Creation Narratives of the Santals and the Genesis Creation Narratives-A Probing into their Theological Motifs
3 D. Jones Muthunayagom 68/86 Old Testament The Relationship between Election and Israel’s Attitude towards the Nations in the Book of Isaiah
4 M. Kipgen 40/79 Hist. of Christianity The Growth of Christianity in Mizoram from 1894 to 1954 with Special Reference to the Traditional Zo Culture.
5 T.I. Varghese 57/83 Hist. of Christianity The Malankara Church in the nineteenth Century in Connection with the Church Missionary Society and the West Syrian Patriarchate and the Consequent Effects

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1993 Name Branch Title
1 Leelamma Athyal 67/86 Christian Theology The Theological Significance of the Concept of Partnership between Man and Woman in the Context of the Struggle of Women in India for Liberation with Special Reference to the Writings of Lettys M. Russel.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1994 Name Branch Title


1 Jacob Thomas 75/89 Christian Theology Evangelical Social Thought, 1975-1990: A Critical Ethical Analysis.
2 Roger Gaikwad 73/89 Religion Major Issues in a Dialogical-Pluralistic Paradigm for Inter-Religious Relationships.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1995 Name Branch Title
2 Varghese Mathai 81/91 New Testament The Nature and Function of the Paraclete in the Farewell Discourse in John 13:17, 26: An  Enquiry.
3 Tekatemjen Ao 82/91 New Testament The Poor and the Rich in the Parables of Luke’s Social Concern.
4 H. Vanlalauva 79/90 Christian Theology An Appraisal of John Calvin’s Doctrine of God with Special Reference to the Indian Context.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1996 Name Branch Title
1 A. Wati Longchar 85/92 Christian Theology An Assessment of the Traditional Ao Naga Worldview and its Contribution Towards a Wholistic Christian Understanding of Creation.
2 K.A. Abraham 86/92 Christian Theology A Re-Examination of the Lordship of Jesus Christ- in the Search for a Contemporary Christology in Asia.
3 R. Lianhnuni 80/91 Old Testament Legal Protection for the Poor in Ancient Israel and its Significance for Mizo Society.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1997 Name Branch Title
1 D.A.M. Clement 78/90 Christian Theology A Critique or Ethical Models  Involved in the World Council of Churches Approach  to Poverty and Development Since the Geneva Conference on Church and Society (1966).
2 Issac V. Mathew 84/92 Christian Ministry A Study of Faith Healing Experience in Relation to Mental Health Indices.
3 Daniel Prem Kumar Old Testament A Preferential Option for the Poor in Prophetic Literature of Israel in the Socio- Political Context of Eighth Century BCE.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1998 Name Branch Title
1 S.C. Paul Raj /93 Counselling A Study of Alcoholism in Relation to Marital-Adjustment and its Implications for Pastoral Care.
2 Hannibal R. Cabral 97/93 Christian Education A New Approach to Christian in a Multi- Faith Context.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 1999 Name Branch Title
1 Jose K.G. 112/94 Old Testament “The Identity” of “the Enemy” According  to Job 4-27.
2 Sam. P. Mathew 95/94 New Testament Temple-Criticism in St.  Mark’s  Gospel: The Economic Role of the Jerusalem Temple During the First Century C.E.
3 V.J. John 96/94 New Testament Nature in the Parables of Mark: An Enquiry into the Use of Nature Images Chapter 4- with Special Reference to their Significance for the Ecological Concerns.
4 Evangeline Rajkumar 98/94 Christian Theology ‘God’ in the Light of Women’s Experience: An Indian Perspective.
5 Vanlalchhuanawma /94 Hist. of Christianity Revival Movement and the Church in Mizoram (1906-1949)
6 O. Thomas /94 Counselling The Church-A Therapeutic Community (An Empirical Study on the Possibilities of the Indian Orthodox Church in Helping to Develop Coping Mechanisms for the Faithful to Deal with Crises Situations.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2000 Name Regina Branch Title
1 Baby Varghese 117/96 New Testament The Role of Women in the Portrayal of Salvation in the Gospel of Luke.
2 Hans Ucko 123/95 Christian Theology A Proposal for a Critical Interaction on Concepts Integral to the Jewish Tradition, as Used in Jewish-Christian Dialogue, and in Minjung and Dalit Theologies, with Special Emphasis on the Concepts of “People” and “People of God”
3 l. Moanaro Imchen 105/95 Hist. of Christianity The Influence of the Nineteenth Century American Woman’s Movement on American Baptist Women Missionaries Working in North East India.
4 Sabu K. Kuriakose 106/95 Religion Brahmajijnasa in Sankara’s Advaita Vedanta in Relation to the  Eastern Christian Theological Issue of ‘Knowing God’.
5 J. Siromony 119/96 Religion The Evolution of the Religious Thought of Sree Narayana Guru and its Practical Implications
6 N. Victor Luther Paul 101/95 Old Testament The Impact of the United Monarchy on the Peasantry in Ancient Israel.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2001 Name Branch Title


1 Sam Mark Harry 102/95 New Testament Galatians 1:11-2, 2:21: Paul’s Understanding of the Gospel and its Impact on the Relationship between Jewish and Gentile Christians.
2 M. Deenabandhu 118/95 Christian Theology Re-visioning Ecclesia in the Light of the Dalit Experience: An Attempt Towards an Indian Ecclesiology with the Experience of the Malas and Madigas in Dommeru and Jonnada in Andhra Pradesh, as a Point of Engagement.
3 J. David Rajendran /93 Christian Theology Social Movements and the Reconstruction of Life-World Chattisgarh Mukti Morcha: Analytical Investigation and Theological Inspiration.
4 Shimreingam Shimray 131/98 Christian Theology Theological Basis for Human Rights in the Light of Human Rights Violations in Nagaland.
5 Aphuno Chase-Roy 94/94 Hist. of Christianity The Impact of Christianity on the Status of Angami Naga Women from 1878 to the Present
6 T. Swami Raju 114/96 Religion A Study of Vira Cult in Folk Religion of Guntur District: A Dalit Perspective
7 Akheto Sema 111/96 Christian Education A Study of Paulo Freire’s Educational Thoughts in the Context of Nagaland.
8 K. David Udaykumar 110/95 Missiology Impact of Context on Missionary Paradigm: Hermannsburg and Joint Synod of Ohio Missions in South Andhra Lutheran Church (1865-1945).

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2002 Name Branch Title
1 J. Paramananda Das /91 Christian Ethics Contributions of Samuel Parmar and C.T. Kurien to Christian Social Thought
2 Lima Jamir 104/95 New Testament The Concept of the Church in Matthew
3 Yiepetso Wezah 132/98 Christian Ethics Exploring the Relevance of Gandhi’s Political Thought in Search for  Participatory Political Process in Nagaland: Theological-Ethical Analysis
4 Rongsennangba 122/97 Christian Ethics The Impact of Modern Development Process on the Ownership and Use of the Land in Nagaland and its Implication for Community Life: Theological-Ethical Analysis
5 T. Vanlatlani 99/94 Religions A Study of Religious Identity Among the Bru of Mizoram.
6 Abraham Philip 123/98 New Testament The Importance of the Christological Confessions in the Fourth Gospel-A  Critique of Johannine Christology.


7 Santanu Kumar Patro 110/96 Religions The Images of the “Dark Kali”-The Celebration of Womanhood in Kali Tradition.
8 Sr. Pauline Chakkalakal 133/98 Christian Theology A Feminist Theological Critique of the Existing and Emerging Leadership Patterns in the Roman Catholic Church in India: In Search of a Relevant Model.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2003 Name Branch Title


Brightstar Jones Syiemlieh 134/99 New Testament A Socio-Narrative Analysis of the Characters in the Lukan Infancy Narratives (Luke 1:5-2:52)
2 Monikaraj Daniel 108/96 New Testament The            Inheritors            of            the  According to Lucan Perspective
3 G. Sobhanam 116/96 Counselling Sacramentality of Marriage in Relation to Marital Adjustment and its Implications for Marital Counselling
4 Ivy Singh 146/99 Christian Theology Narmada Valley Struggles as Context for the Emergence of an Indian Christian Ecofeminist Theology: A New Theological Agenda for the Church in India
5 S.  Sobanaraj 125/98 New Testament Diversity in Paul’s Eschatology and its Determinants. A Study of the Selected Eschatological Themes in Paul’s Letters
6. M.T. Cherian 126/98 Religions A Study of Hindu Fundamentalism and its Impact of Secularism in India from 1947-1997
7 Shekhar Singh 115/96 Counselling A Study of Marital Adjustment and Subjective Well-Being of Migrant Family of Chhattisgarh: With a View to Provide Appropriate Pastoral Counselling
8 Lalnghak Thuami 120/97 Christian Theology A Critique of C.S. Song’s Christology from a Mizo Womanist Theological Perspective
9 Y. Moses 107/95 Christian Theology A Theological Critique of the Crises of Secular State in India;.
10 V.V. Thomas 127/98 History Pentecostalism Among Dalits in Kerala from 1909 to the Present.
11 S. Robertson 140/99 Religions

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2004 Name Branch Title
1 Hemchochon Chongloi 170/01 Religions A   Historical-Phenomenological   Study  of Primal   Kuki   Religious   Symbolism  with Special    Reference    to    Indoi    in    the Framework       of       Mircea       Eliade’s Interpretation of Religious Symbolism


2 Mathew C. Vargheese 139/99 Christian Theology An Appraisal of the Concept of Community in the Writings of Leonardo Boff and Select Indian Christian Theologians to Develop a Theology of Community in the Indian Context
3 Kavito Zhimo 160/01 Communication The Naga ‘Communal Labour Force’ as an Alternative Model of Communication for Participatory Development
4 Limatula Longkumer 183/02 Christian Education Towards a Feminist Pedagogy for Theological Education with a Particular Reference to Nagaland
5 W.S. Annie 145/99 Christian Theology A Theological Evaluation of Labour in an Age of Globalization: A Third World Perspective with Special Reference to Women in India
6 Lalrinawmi Ralte 201/03 Christian Theology Contributions to the Ecofeminist Debate in Theology from a Tribal Women’s Perspective
7 M. Peter Singh 153/00 Communication The Challenges of Information Technology and the Digital Divide  in the Formulation of a Cybertheology
8 J. Daniel Kirubaraj 152/00 Communication Communication for Community Action: An Explorative Study of Communication in Theological Education in South India.
9 V. Kanagu Nelson 155/00 Religions Religious Minorities in Post-Independent India: Problems and Prospects in the Context of the Current Debate on Secularism with Special Reference to Christian Minority.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2005 Name Branch Title
1 Marina Ngursangzeli 167/01 Hist. of Christianity William Carey and the British East India Company (1801-1830): Implications  of their Interaction for an Understanding of Christian Mission in India Today
2 Koshy P. Varghese 163/01 New Testament The Composite Citation in the Matthean Account of Jesus’ Baptism (Mt 3:17): A Study in Matthean Christology
3 Johnson P.J. 137/99 Old Testament The Motif of the “Righteous Sufferer” in  the Psalms of Individual Lament.
4 P.P. Joy 169/01 Religions Sri Ramakrishna’s Approach to Religious Pluralism and its Appropriation in the Ramakrishna Mission


DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2006 Name Branch Title


1 Hukashe Zhimomi 198/03 Religion The Significance of Indian Philosophical Approach to the Study of Religion with Special Reference to the Contribution of S. Radhakrishnan
2 Joe Joseph Kuruvilla 157/00 Counselling Adolescents’ Perception of Family Environment in Relation to Academic Achievement: A Study Among Plus Two Students in Kottayam
3 L. Imsutoshi Jamir 193/03 Communication Interplay of Traditional tribal Culture and Media Culture: Towards Evolving a New Position in Tribal Cultural Studies Relevant to tribal Christian Understanding of Culture
4 Chhakchhuak Lalhlira 175/02 Communication The Role of Intercultural Communication in Christian Witness with special reference to the Mizoram Presbyterian Church
5 R. Sashikaba 180/02 Religion A Phenomenological Study of Different Manifestations of Supernatural Powers Among the Nagas with Special Reference  to the Experiences, Beliefs and Practices of the Ao Nagas
6 Samuel 181/02 Religion Panca Mahabhutas as a Spiritual resource for an Ecological Balance: AN  Investigation of the Evolution of Meaning  in Select Texts of the Vedas and Vedanta
7 Blateiskhem L. Nongbri 141/99 History Understanding and Approaches of Khasi Christians Towards their  Traditional Culture from 1869-1972: A Historical Perspective
8 Hrangthan Chhungi 147/00 Old Testament Portrayals of Woman in the Book of Proverbs: A Reading from the Perspective of a Mizo Woman
9 Vanlaltlana 173/02 Christian Theology The Doctrine of Divine Grace and Human Free Will in the thought of Augustine of Hippo, with Special Reference to his Anti- Pelagian Writings: An Appraisal of its Relevance to the Mizo Christian Understanding of Grace and Human Free Will
10 Atola Longkumer /05 Religion Shamans, Tanela Akuter (Holy Spirit People) and Naga Christianity: A Study of Religio-Cultural Transition among the Nagas
11 Vanlalnghaka 136/99 New Testament Pauline Concept of Soma in Relation to the Salvific Work of Christ: A Study of Select Texts from the Letters of Paul
12 D. Burnabas 144/99 Counselling Stress of Wife in Relation to Prolonged Absence of husband
13 Ramsay Chhuanliana Kawlni 158/01 New Testament Theocentricity in Lukan Theology: An Exploration of the Portrayals of God in Luke-Acts
14 Ch. Pramoda Rao 142/99 Hist. of Christianity The Nature and Pattern of Religio-Cultural Continuities and Changes in the Life of the Christian Dalits in Telangana, 1884-1960

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2007 Name Branch Title
1 Jacob Philip N. 161/01 Counselling The Effect of Communication Psycho Educational Program (CPEP) on Marital Satisfaction
2 T. Mercy Rani 190/03 Christian Theology Towards Developing a theology of Holy Spirit as Mother on the Basis of Saktism  and Indian Christian Interpretations of Sakti
3 Naveen Rao 188/03 Christian Theology The Process of the Formulation of the Liberative Hebrew Scripture as a Paradigm for the Formulation of a Scripture for the Liberation of the Dalits
4 K.B. Georgekutty 182/02 Old Testament The History and Significance of Manual Labour in the Hebrew Bible:  A  Sociological Approach
5 Aswathy John 174/02 Christian Theology S.K. George’s Theology of “Satyagraha as Cross in Action” in Today’s Context
6 S. Liangao Soto 164/01 Christian Theology Shamanism in the Socio-Cultural Tradition of the Nagas as a Resource for a Christian Tribal Theology of Integral Humanhood
7 Fr. G. John 149/00 Christian Theology An Appraisal of St. Basil’s Concept of Monasticism from an Indian Samnyasa Perspective with Special Reference to Ramakrishna Monasticism
8 Jacob Matthew Towards a Wider Community in India  in the Writings of P.D. Devanandan and M.M. Thomas.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2008 Name Branch Title
1 Prakash K. George 194/03 Old Testament The Worldview of the Yahweh Speeches in the Book of Job.
2 Pray S. James Vethamuthu 184/03 Old Testament Theology of Hope in Deutero-Isaiah: A Quest for a New Identity of the People of God.
3 P. Rajendra Babu 176/02 Old Testament Exile and the Theology of Creation: A Socio-Historical Study of Creation Motif in Isaiah 40-55.
4 Praveen Paul 208/04 Old Testament The Ideation of Power in the Book  of  Hosea with particular Reference to ahb. A Post Colonial Reading.
5 Imnanungshi 159/01 New Testament Family   and   Marriage:    Trajectories   in Pauline Thought.
6 Tlang Hming Thanga 162/01 Christian Theology Conception of Life in the Indigenous Mizo Tradition and in the Writings of John Calvin: A Quest for a Relevant Theology of Life in the Mizo Christians Context.
7 LetKho Thang Haokip 213/04 Religions Select Ecological Resources of the Kuki Traditional Religion for a Viable Ecology Today.
8 Bolinkar Sohklet 199/03 Religion A Phenomenological Study of the Understanding of God as Emerging from Selected Myths and Rituals of the Traditional Religion of the Khasi Pnars.
9 I. Asongla Pongen 216/04 Christian Education Responding to the Challenges of Gender- Based Violence Through Christian Religious Education in Nagaland
10 D. John Jayaharan 143/99 Social Analysis Dalit Cultural Resources to Transform and Restore Life after Violence.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2009 Name Branch Title
1 G. Jesudian Vijayasingh 214/04 Old Testament Reading Selected Texts of Jeremiah from the Margin: A Quest for a Prophetic Contextual Theology
2 John Philip A. 204/04 Christian Theology Mystery and Meaning in the Trinitarian Understanding of Gregory of Nyssa for a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism
3 H.G. Mithra 226/05 Christian Education John   Wesley’s   Thoughts   on   Christian Education: Its Relevance for Today.
4 R. Sahayadhas 185/03 Christian Theology Towards an Ecclesiology in the Contemporary Indian Context of Hindu Nationalism in Critical Interaction with Martin Luther’s Ecclesiology
5 A. Temjen Jamir 212/04 Communication Fold Dance for the Promotion of Ecumenism in Nagaland: A Study with Special Reference to the Ao Nagas
6 D. John Winslow 135/99 Christian Theology A Theological Critique of the Patterns of Leadership and Administration in the Church of South India During the Past Fifty Years

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2010 Name Branch Title
1 Woba James 197/03 Hist. of Christianity The Role of the Senate of Serampore College in Fostering Ecumenism in the Context of Theological Education in India.
2 R. Edwin Jebaraj 165/01 New Testament Justice and Revelation. Judgment in the Book of
3 Songram Basumatary 302/06 Christian Theology Creating North East Indian Tribal Theologies as Resources to Counter Inter- Ethnic Conflicts.


4 Lalrindiki Ralte 217/04 Social Analysis Women in Transition from Land Based to Cash Based Economy; An Inter-Ethnic Study in Mizoram.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2011 Name Branch Title
1 Giri K. 309/06 Religions R.V. De Smet’s Interpretation of the Method of Sanakara as Theological: A Postcolonial Appraisal
2 Jayachitra L. 304/06 New Testament Wife-Husband      relationship      in      the Household Code in Ephesians 5:21-33
3 Hamries Rymbai 244/07 Religion The Major Challenges to the  Religion  of the Hynniew-Trep People of Meghalaya
4 H. Lalrinthanga 232/07 Hist. of Christianity Church and State Relationship in the Mizo Socio-Political Life from 1952-2006
5 C. Somu Ebenezer Ross 191/03 Christian Theology Eschatology in Jurgen Moltmann and its Significance for a Theology for hope in India
6 Vanlalchhawna Khiangte 218/05 New Testament A Study of the Matthean Beatitudes (Matt 5:3-12) and its Implications for Contemporary Christian Discipleship
7 Lovely Awomi James 196/03 Christian Theology A Womanist Theological Critique of the Naga Traditional Worldview
8 M. Thongkhosei Haokip 317/06 History A Study of the Ecumenical Movements in North East India from a Historical Perspective
9 Anuparthi John Prabhakar 300/06 Homiletics Analysis of Sermons Preached in the Rural Dalit Telugu Baptist Congregations: A Search for ‘A Dalit Homiletics’
10 Samuel George 301/06 Christian Theology The Significance of the Historical Particularity of Jesus: A Response to the Neo-Hindu View That Historicity of Jesus is Irrelevant but His Teachings are Important
11 Epratha Sarathy 186/03 Counselling Inferiority Complex Among the Employed Dalits in Bangalore: Implications for Pastoral Care
12 Pracey Varghese 138/01 Christian Theology A Critique of Man-Woman-Nature Relationship in Selected Traditions of Theology and Science as a Resource for Constructing Ecofeminist Theology in India

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2012 Name Branch Title
1 A. Limasangla Lemtur 201/04 Christian Ethics Towards an Alternative Ethical  Paradigm of Human Rights Discourse from an Ao Naga Tribal Feminist Perspective
2 Laila L. 212/04 Old Testament Qohelet’s Understanding of עמל(Toil) and Life


3 Bendangtemjen 251/08 Hist. of Christianity Challenges of the Church Union Movement Before the Baptist Churches in North East India
4 Easow Mathew 206/04 Hist. of Christianity The Shifts in the Perception and Praxis of the Mission of the Mar Thoma Church in Kerala in the Twentieth Century
5 W. Along Jamir 195/03 Old Testament A Socio-Narrative Analysis of  the Ancestral Conflict Narratives in Genesis 12-36: Its Significance for Doing a theology of the Pentateuch
6 Vekutulu Lohe 146/07 Communication An Analysis of the Communication Practices of the Chakhesang Baptist Church in Nagaland: Exploring a Participatory Communication Approach
7 Moanungsang 253/08 Religion Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and its Contemporary Relevance
8 Jacob Mathew 234/07 Christian Theology Towards a Wider Community in India  in the Writings of P.D. Devanandan and M.M. Thomas
9 S. Akatoli Chishi 252/08 Religion Exploring Feminist Spirituality: A Critique of the Contributions of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
10 John Alex 303/06 Christian Theology A Study of Holy Spirit in the Writings of Pandipeddi Chenchiah and Samuel Rayan and its Implications for Pentecostal Pneumatology in India
11 T.M. Emmanuel 318/06 Old Testament The Rise of David and Jeroboam: Re- reading of the Deuteronomistic  History from a Sociological Perspective
12 R. Zolawma 222/05 Christian Theology Towards a Tribal Ecclesiology through a Critical Synthesis of Select Early Christian Traditions and Tribal Cultural Traditions of Northeast India, Specially Mizoram
13 Sangtemkala 172/02 Christian Theology An Appraisal of Christological Concerns and Methodologies of Rosemary Radford Ruether, Jacquelyn Grant and Kwok Pui- Lan in Relation to their Relevance to Doing Christology in the Present-Day Context of the Naga Christian Women
14 Margaret Kalaiselvi 290/09 Communication Maga Serials Viewing Habits of Women in Madurai City-Christian Ethical Perspective
15 Fr. Thomas


178/02 Christian Theology Toward a Eucharistic Ecology: A Theological Critique of the Understanding of the Human and Nature in the Writings of Paulos Mar Gregorios
16 Vanguri Manikya Rao 224/05 New Testament Unity and Diversity in the Acts of the Apostles: A Lukan Quest for a Central Paradigm in Ecclesiology.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2013 Name Branch Title
1 Walotemjen 242/07 History The Contribution of Traditional Ao- Naga Religion to Conversion to Christianity; A Socio-Historical Investigation.
2 John Vijaya Raj R. 237/07 New Testament Subversion of Class Hierarchy in the Gospel of Luke: A Study in Lucan Theology
3 T.M. Jose 288/09 A Theological Exploration into the Issue of Conversion Within the Context  of Religious Pluralism: A Pentecostal Perspective
4 Roji T.George 283/09 New Testament A Post Colonial reading of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: A New Search for His Identity in the Epistle
5 Jayasree K.B. 284/09 New Testament Conflict Resolution and Kingdom Values:  A Study of Selected Parables in the Gospel According to St. Luke (10:25-37; 12:13-21;

16:14-31; 18:9-140

6 Jerald Praveen 280/09 Old Testament Liberation of People and Land in the Sabbath-Jubilee Law: A Socio-Ecological Analysis of Leviticus 25
7 A.J. Johnkutty 223/05 Religions The Socio-Religious Contributions of Mata Amritanandamayi
8 M. Justin Moses 291/09 Religion Mahatma Gandhi’s Integration of Religion and Politics and its Relevance in the Context of the Hindu Nationalism of Today
9 Asish Thomas Koshy 305/06 New Testament The Resurrection Narrative in John 20: A Paradigm of the Johannine Community’s Identity and Mission
10 John V. Mathew 293/09 Religion Medieval Hindu Bhakti as Interpreted  by the Benares Kabir Chaura Branch of the Kabirpanth Community: A Subaltern Response
11 Nelavala Gnana Prasuna 215/04 Christian Theology A Feminist Hermeneutical Study of Dalit Women in South Andhra Lutheran Church
12 K. Dhanbir Rai 292/09 Religion The Religious, Social, Cultural and  Political Significance of Kumari Tradition Among the Hindu Newars of Kathmandu, Nepal
13 I.P. Asheervadam 211/04 Hist. of Christianity The Dalits’ Search for Identity in the Post- Independent Era- A Study of the Dalit Christian Experience in the Prakasham District of Andhra Pradesh
14 S. Samuel Rajadurai 264/08 Social Analysis Promised Land and Right to Subsistence: The Disintegration of Peasantry and the Neoliberal Policy on Food Security Based on a Study in Tamilnadu


15 Sunny Pappan 225/05 Christian Ethics An Understanding of Wealth Among Pentecostals in Kerala: Towards a Possible Christian Ethical Paradigm
16 Sunni E. Mathew 241/07 Hist. of Christianity Writings of St. Ephrem in  Understanding the History of Fourth-Century Syriac Christianity
17 Shiju Mathew 248/04 Old Testament A Postcolonial Womanist Reading of the Israelite Law System with  Special Reference to the Covenant Code in Pentateuch
18 Shanbha Hayong 285/09 Christian Theology The Challenges of Globalization to the Economic Life of the Tribal People: A Theological Response from the Khasi Perspective
19 P.R. Hmuaka 306/06 New Testament The Role of the Law in the Fourth Gospel: Jesus’ Revelation of God as the Fulfilment of the Law
20 Hukato N. Shohe 311/06 Christian Theology An Attempt to Develop A Christology from Sumi Naga Perspective
21 Jose L. 259/08 New Testament A Postcolonial Reading of the Acts of the Apostles
22 A. Rayappan Isaac 231/07 Hist. of Christianity Gospel and Culture in the Tamil Speaking Area s of South Travancore (1806-1908)
23 Atula Ao 229/07 Old Testament Towards a Renewed Understanding of Health in Light of the Concept of Rapha, Arukah, Shalom and Marpe with reference to Select Passages in the Prophetic Oracles of Hosea, Isaiah and Jeremiah
24 K.M. Mathew 219/05 New Testament The Apocalyptic Motif in the Death Narrative of the Gospel According to Matthew (Matt 27:45-56)
25 Biju S. Thankachan 308/06 Christian Theology Christology in the Context of Cultural Nationalism in India with Special reference to Sebastian Kappen
26 Kaholi Zhimomi 269/09 Hist. of Christianity Women During Armed Conflict: A Historical Re-Reading of Indo-Naga Struggle in Nagaland from the Feminist Perspective.
27 Sentiwate 254/08 Religion “Puti” (Traditional Wisdom) as an Authoritative Core of Ao Christianity; An Interpretation.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2014 Name Branch Title
1 C. Thankappan 265/08 Social Analysis ‘The Spring of the Waters of Life to the thirsty Without Payment’ Water Crises and Commodification of Water in the Age of Globalization


2 Esmael Murmu 194/09 New Testament The Ecological Images of  Sayings in the Fourth Gospel with Special Reference to the Santals
3 L.H. Rawsea 273/09 New Testament The Agrarian-Resistance Motifs in the Parables of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark: God and the Subalterns
4 L. Bimol Singh 267/08 History Christianity Among the Meiteis In Manipur Valley: An Analysis of the Causes for rejection
5 Paluri Wilson AA1619/10 Religion Ramanuja’s Contribution to a Liberative Social Philosophy and its Contemporary Relevance: With Reference to His Life and Interpretation of Select Scriptural Texts
6 James George 278/09 Counselling Coping Patterns of Adolescents of Alcoholic Parents in Kerala: Implications for Pastoral Counselling
7 D. Christudas AA1620/10 History An Unacknowledged  Subaltern Solidarity: A Re-reading of the History of Lutherans in Kerala (1911-2011)
8 N.B. Gladstone Robert History The Reformulations of the Concept of Mission of the Christian Conference of Asia: A Historical Search
9 C.V. Varghese 290/09 History Religious Conversion and Indian Constitutional Rights: A Historical Analysis in the Light of the Opposition to Christian Conversion in India
10 Tali Ao 209/04 New Testament Resurrection in St. John A Johannine Quest for a Theology of Rebirth
11 H. Adlin Regina Bai 227/05 Son Preference and the Declining Sex Ratio-Patriarchal Modernities Under Neo- liberal Globalization
12 C. Vanlaldika 228/07 Old Testament Slave Laws in the Pentateuch from a postcolonial Perspective

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2015 Name Branch Title
1 Abraham Mathew AA3601 Counselling Caregiver Stress in Relation to Perceived Quality of Family Environment Among Caregivers of Frail Elderly Parents: Implications for Pastoral counselling
2 J. Stanley Jones AA3607/11 New Testament The Healing Narratives as a Mode of Resistance to Oppressive Institutions in the World of Jesus Movement with Special Reference to Mark’s Gospel
3 Jacob Mathew 234/07 Old Testament The Rhetorical Power of the First ‘Inner Frame’ of the Book of Deuteronomy (Chs. 4-11)


4 A. Abeni Patton 261/08 Old Testament Leadership in Select Prophetic Literature with Special reference to Eighth Century BCE Prophets
5 Bhanu Samuel 271/09 Communication The Process of Hinduisation of Dalit Religious Tradition: The Case of Kuravas’ Mlanada Tradition
6 A.J. Yesu 238/07 New Testament Roman     Imperialism      and     Matthean Inclusivism:                Portrait                of

 (the   Kingdom   of   Heaven)   in   the   First Gospel’s  Non-Parabolic Passages

7 Gainiliu Kamei 266/08 New Testament The ‘Accused Woman’ in John 7:53-8:11: A Postcolonial Womanist Reading
8 A.  Israel David AA9693/10 Counselling An Appraisal of Maslowian Self- actualization as a Process from Deficit to Being Needs in Select Dalit Communities
9 George Philip AA3594/11 New Testament St. Paul’s Attitude regarding Participation  in Common Meals: A Study Based on Selected Passages
10 R.D. Mawia Ralte AA3408/11 Religion Select Indian Gurus’ Interpretations of Jesus Christ and its Significance in Inter- Religious Relations
11 Gilbert Jose J 205/04 Christian Theology A Study of God-World Relationship of Kanikkar Tribe in Puravimala
12 Sethe P.A. 297/09 Missiology Violence Against Christians in Odisha: A Re-look on the Mission Perspective  in  India
13 Christ Sumit

Abhay Kerketta

AA1625/10 Christian Theology Development and Ecological Crises: An Eco-Theological Response from the Perspective of Adivasis of Jharkhand
14 J. Gnanaseelan

Jacob Sundarsingh

316/06 Hist. of Christianity The Dalits of Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tharangambadi (Tranquebar) Ecclesiastical District: A  Subaltern Reading of their Protest Movement and Ministerial Contributions from 1919  to 2006
15 I. Sobana 247/08 Old Testament The Inheritance Law and Practice in the Books of Numbers, Joshua and Judges and its Implications on Daughters and Land
16 Bethel Krupa 315/06 Christian Education The Identity-Struggle of Dalit Christians in CSI-Karimnagar Diocese, Andhra Pradesh and its Significance for Christian  Education
17 Mariyamma John 220/05 New Testament Johannine Approach to Mission with Special Reference to Missiological Significance in 3:1-21 and its Related Passages  (1:9-12,14,17;  12:46-48;  4:1-30;

10:7-18; 17:1-9; 20:30-31)


18 R. Lalthanmawia 274/09 New Testament An Understanding of Life ()in John Towards   a   Theology   of   Life   in   Mizo Contexts
19 T.B. Premjith


272/09 New Testament Is the Church in Matthew a Congregational Movement? Implications for Contemporary Ecclesiology
20 Joel Patrick 255/08 Communication The Functioning and Contribution of Christian Association for Radio and Audio- Visual Service (CARAVS) for the Church Ministry in Jabalpur
21 Bendanglemla Longkumer 250/08 Christian Theology Universality and Uniqueness of Jesus  Christ in Select Ecumenical Discussions Since 1989 to Suggest a Christological  Base for Tribal Christians in Northeast  India
22 S. Temjen Imchen 235/07 Old Testament A    Narrative-Critical   Analysis   of   the Missiological theme in the Book of Jonah
23 Tekayaba 249/08 Old Testament Quest for Cosmic Order: A Study on the Concept of Creation in the Book of Proverbs
24 B. Sunil Vara


277/09 Christian Ethics ‘Identity Politics’ Espoused by Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi and  Mala  Maha Nadu in Andhra Pradesh: A Theological-Ethical Foundation for Reconciliatory Ecclesial Praxis

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2016 Name Branch Title
1 Sajitha Varghese AA3593/11 New Testamnet Economic Status of Women in the Lucan Writings: A Sociological Reading
2 Biju C. AA5090/12 New Testament Johannine Christology as an Intercultural Christology: A Quest for Hermeneutics in a Subaltern Indian Context
3 Varaprasad Gosala /10 Old Testament Resistance Motif in the ‘Confessions of Jeremiah’ and its Contextual Significance for Dalit Liberation
4 Joji Mathew AA3598/11 Christian Theology Reconstructing Christology in India on  the Paradigm of Relationality  with Special Reference to P. Chenshiah, Surjit Singh and K.P. Eleaz
5 Hangpi Manlun Zou 276/09 Communication The Socio-Cultural Impact of Television on the Church Members of Churachandpur Town, Manipur: Implication for Pastoral Leadership
6 Daniel Tikhir AA7647/13 Christian Theology Tribal          Colonialism:          Towards Constructing Body Theology from Tikhir Perspective
7 Kennedy Poumai 296/09 New Testament Revolutionary Motifs in the Miracle Narratives of Luke’s Gospel: A Postcolonial Reading
8 Rajeevan M.T. AA5507/12 Hist. of Christianity Contributions of Indian Christians to the Nation-Building Through the Works of Select Christian Bodies: A Historical Analysis in the Light of the Hindutva Challenges
9 A.C. Thomas 233/07 Old Testament Nature-Culture Relationship in the Primeval Story of the Book of Genesis: Reading with an Ecological Paradigm
10 I. Limatemsu Ao AA3611/11 New Testament The Fatherhood of God in Matthew: Toward a Theology of God in the Synoptic Gospels
11 K. Balakrishnan 230/07 New Testament Conflict and Egalitarianism in the Non- Pauline Epistles: Towards a Theology of Community in the Early Church
12 Gummalolla


275/09 New Testament Postcolonial          Interpretation          of Apocalyptic Symbolism as a Mode of Resistance in Revelation

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2017 Name Branch Title
1 P. Karunanidhi 270/09 Hist. of Christianity Interaction Between Christianity and Hindu Religion and Society in  Tirunelveli 1820-1924; A Re-reading of Protestant Missionary Activities and their Repercussions on the Local Hindu Community from the Postcolonial Perspective
2 Husazulu Chuzho AA3015/ 11 Old Testament Kingship in the Enthronement Psalms: A Historical Literary Analysis of the Kingship Metaphor and its Implications for Israel’s Worship
3 Chubamongba Ao AA3013/ 11 Old Testament ‘In All the Work of Your Hand’ in Deuteronomy: An Inquiry on Rhetoric of Work
4 R. Vanlaltluanga AA3603/ 11 Counselling Quality of Life: A Study Among the Victims of Armed Conflict in Mizoram During 1966-1986, and its Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling
5 I. Lanusenla Ao AA3630/ 11 Communication Voice of Women as Powerful Communication in the Decision Making Bodies of the Ao  Naga  Tribal Community
6 Viju Wilson AA5502/ 11 Christian Theology Upper Cloth Revolt in South Travancore: A Theological Articulation from Subaltern Perspective
7 P. Baby Rani AA3628/ 11 Women Studies A Feminist Reading of the Institution of Marriage in Relation to Power and Control System of Indian Society with Reference to Women in Arcot Lutheran Church
8 Imsu Longchar AA5505/ 12 Old Testament Identity Struggle of the People of Israel as Alien in the Pentateuch: A North East India Tribal Reading
9 Sangtinuk AA3592/ 11 Old Testament An Exploration into the Theological Concept of Humility in the Narratives of Exod. 1:1-15:21
10 J. Jebasingh 263/08 Old Testament Proverbs: Understanding Wisdom from Below
11 D. Sam Christopher 313/06 New Testament The Motif of Kingship in Luke’s Gospel and its Significance for a Reconstruction of Lukan Christology
12 Nyimangyang Chang AA3014/ 11 Old Testament The Act of the Daughters of Zelophehed on the Issue of Inheritance of Land (Numbers 27:1-11) and its Implication  for Chang Naga Women.
13 Vijaya Kumary J. 314/06 Women Studies A Feminist Critique on Gender Discrimination with Special Reference to Female Sex Selective Abortion in Bangalore.
14 Joel Joseph AA5091/ 12 Old Testament Politico-Economic and Socio-Religious Factors Behind the Rebuilding of the Second Temple During the Persian Period: A Sociological and Postcolonial Reading.
15 Temsuyanger Old Testament Re-Reading Micah from the Indigenous Naga People’s Perspective: A Biblical Hermeneutical Exploration in Tribal/Indigenous Theology in India.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2018 Name Branch Title
1 H. Lalthlamuana AA9695/10 Counselling An Appraisal of the Bio-Psycho-Social Spiritual Sequelae and Coping Mechanism of Renal Transplant Patients: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling
2 Shanthi Sudha


239/07 New Testament Women in Dissent from the Traditions of the Mosaic Law: An Inquiry in the Matthean Gospel
3 Raja Christi Bai


AA1629/10 Christian Ministry The Psycho-Social Adjustment of Adolescents in Relation to the Perceived Family Environment
4 T. Stephen Selvinraj New Testament The Conspicuous and  Controversial Entry of “Prostitutes and Tax Collectors” into the Empire of God: A Sociological Approach to the Select Texts from the Synoptic Gospels
5 Boholi Z. Sema AA1630/10 Counselling Fidelity to Naga Culture Among Migrant Naga Youth
6 Phanenmo Kath 1631/10 Counselling The Impact of Select Correlates on Naga Family System: Implications for Family Counselling Models
7 C. Alitemjen Longkumer 257/08 Communication The Role of Print and New Media of Communication in the Development of Naga Society
8 Akho AB2122/old 289 History The     Impact     of     Christianity     in Transforming the Chakhesang Nagas
9 Vijayan AA9658/14 Missiology Orlando E. Costa’s Interpretation of Outside the Gate as a Postmodern Missiological Paradigm in the Context of India.
10 Tsuknungrenla AA3608/11 Counselling Co-Dependency of Women Living with Alcoholic Husbands: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
11 P.K. Reeja AA3631/11 Communication Media and Eco-Justice with Special Reference to Koodankulam: Towards a Green Communication Theology.
12 Prakash Abraham Mathew AA4189/12 Old Testament Role of Holiness Laws for teh Formation and Legitimization of Collective Identity in Leviticus 17-26.
13 Babu Emanuel 281/09 New Testament Forgiveness of Sins in the Gospel According to St. Luke: A Sociological Inquiry.
14 David Lalrina AA1442/14 Missiology A Critique of Donald McGavran’s Missiology in the Light of Gret Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and its Significance for Mizo Theology of Mission.
15 Paolin Haokip AA9657/10 Christian Theology Demasculizing Christology: The Concept of Tacha in Kuki Traditions as an Alternative for Constructing Inclusive Christology.
16 N. Subramani AA4188/12 Old Testament Imagery of Love as a Paradigm for Covenantal Relationship in the Book of Hosea: A Socio-Rhetorical Reading.
17 Vibeithonuo Mero AA5093/12 Counselling Family Caregivers Coping with Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders in Nagaland: The Role of Pastoral Care and Counselling.
18 Saju Thomas AA5094/12 New Testament The Relationship between Judaism and Christianity: An Exploration of Interfaith Hermeneutics in the Epistle to the Hebrews.
19 Rathna Kumar S. AA9651/14 Old Testament The Issue of Human Rights in the Eight Century BCE of Ancient Israel: A Prophetic Response from A Socio- Historical Perspective.
20 L.V. Bipinlal AA6359/13 Counselling Self Esteem in Relation to Stress Tolerance Among Wives of Alcoholics: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
21 S. David Joseph Raj AA3568/11 Hist. of Christianity The       Ecumenical       Visions       and Achievements of the NCCI.
22 Rampaukoping Michul AA7322/13 New Testament The Spirit of Community Formation in Luke’s Gospel and Resistance Movement Among Zeliangrong Nagas.
23 Keciziuying Slang AA9656/14 New Testament The    Rich    in    Matthew:    A    Socio- Economic Reading.
24 Supongmayang Lkr. AA7323/13 New Testament The Apocalypse of John and its Subalterns: Implications for a Postcolonial Tribal Context.
25 H.T. Donhring Anal 1623/10 New Testament The Inter-Connection between Johannine Ethics and Johannine Christology.

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY 2019 Name Branch Title
1 Charlie E. George AA1622/14 New Testament A Sociological Investigation into the Attitude Towards Labour in the Pauline Corpus and its Relevance to Independent India.
2 Vihutoli X. Kinny AA9661/14 Religions Social Relevance of the Religious Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda Today with Special Reference to Practical Vedanta.
3 K. Tokivi AB1167/15 Religion Rethinking Contemporary Islam: A Critique of the Ideology of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis).
4 Y. Tonchingsangla Chang AA3529/15 Christian Ethics Towards a Tribal Reconciliatory Ethics: A Christian Ethical Response to Land Conflict  in the Context of Tuensang Nagaland.
5 Lalmuanpuii Hmar AB1172/15 New Testament Jesus’ Confrontation of the Empire in Mark and its Significance for Contemporary Mizo Society.
6 Z.K. Pahrii AA1633/10 Social Analysis Militarisation of Food Insecurity in Manipur Towards Food Security Through Justice and Peace.
7 Akani Kinimi 279/09 Old Testament A Sociological Analysis of the Prophetic Ideology of Land in the Book of Jeremiah.
8 T. Nzanthung Ngullie AA9636 Homiletics A Homiletical Study of the Psalm 104: Towards an Eco-Liberation Preaching from the Lotha Naga Tribal Perspective.
9 Jeeva Kumar Ravela AA9647/14 Old Testament Justice of God in the Book of Job: A Sociological Reading
10 Enolyn Lyngdoh AA9644/14 Old Testament The Significance of Torah in the Book of Proverbs.
11 Lalramchhana AB1701/15 New Testament Nature Miracles in the Gospel of Matthew as the Basis for Developing Cosmic Christology.
12 O. Densingh AA3570/11 Religions Debates on Secularism in the Post- Independent India: An Appraisal from the Perspective of Interfaith Relations.
13 Wilson Cherian AA9655/14 New Testament An Intertextual Analysis of Eschatology in the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians and the Second Epistle of Peter.
14 K.A. Ipe AA3599/11 Hist. of Christianity Role of Protestant Christianity in the Empowerment of Dalits in Travancore from 1806 to 1956.
15 Prasanth M. Bansod AA1621/10 Communication Film as Channel of Prophetic Voice of the Voiceless: Subaltern Reading of Select Marathi Films with Reference to the Farmer’s Suicide in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra.
16 Lima Longkumer 295/10 New Testament The Passion and Death of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark: A Sociological Inquiry.
17 Jajo Somi AA9646/14 Christian Ethics Re-Imagining Ethical Face of the Church in the Wake of Christian Fundamentalism: A Case Study of Tangkhul Baptist Church.
18 P. Zubeno Kithan AA9650/14 Counselling Psychosocial Wellbeing of Divorced Women in Select Districts in Nagaland: Challenges for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
19 Yennamalla Jayaker AA9665/14 Hist. of Christianity Mennonite Brethren Mission and Social Change in South Telangana from 1899-1958: A Subaltern Reading.
20 Johnson Peter K. 256/08 Communication Communicative Function of Dalit Arts in Kerala and its Implication for Dalit Liberation.
21 H. Joseph Lalfakmawia AA9689/14 New Testament Socio-Economic Issues in the Parables of Luke: A Mizo Reading.
22 Babu C. AA3488/15 Hist. of Christianity From Divergence Towards Cooperation: Historical Shifts in Understanding of Mission and Evangelism Among Evangelicals and Ecumenicals (1961-2013).
23 M. Zubenthung Humtsoe AA9649/14 Christian Ethics Colonization of the Commons: An Ethical Inquiry into the Lotha Naga Struggle Against the ONGC to Develop a Lotha Naga Christiaqn Earth Ethics.
24 R. Nungshilepzuk 298/09 Old Testament The Poor and Sages in Wisdom Literature: A Reading with Special Reference to the Ambiguius of the Sages Towards the Poor.
25 Imsenperong AA7645/13 Christian Theology Theological Rationale of William Carey’s Social Involvement and its Implication to Evolve a Theology of Social Transformation in Nagaland.
26 Renbi Rangthang AA3609/11 New Testament The Multiple Facets of Church-State Relationship in Pauline Writings and their Implications for an Ecclesiology in Naga Context.


27 Tiameren Aier 289/09 Christian Theology Resurrection as a Theological Paradigm for a Tribal Theology of Hope with Special Reference to the Ao Naga Situation.


1 Khrotsolo-u Teno AA9660 New Testament The Matthean Concept of  (Forgiveness) from a Naga Perspective: A Sociological Study.
2 Ebenezer Shinekumar AA5509 Religions Bharat Mata, a Hindutva Political Symbol: Challenge for the Secular Fabric of India.
3 Saju Joseph AA6364/13 Counselling Frustration Among Adolescents from Low Income Families in Relation to Perceived Parenting: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
4 Ajungla Jamir AA3415 Christian Ethics Towards a “Chinky” Christian Ethics of Diaspora Northeast Tribal Women in India.
5 M. Maisuangdibou AA6361/13 Christian Theology An Interpretation of the Traditional Myths of the Liangmai Community: Towards a Liangmai Theological Hermeneutics.
6 Satvasheela Pandhare AB1169 Religions B.R. Ambedkar’s Ideology for Social Change and its Relevance in the Present Hindutva Context of India.
7 Moalila AB1160/15 Christian Education An Exploration of Liberative Education Processes in the Writings of Bell Hooks and Mary Elizabeth Moore and their Implications for Developing a Transformative Christian Education in Nagaland.
8 Saramma Thomas AA9654/14 Counselling Mental Health of Women Rape Survivors in Three Select Districts of Kerala with Regard to Revenge and Forgiveness for Better Pastoral Care.
9 Rosy Zoramthangi AB4549/16 Old Testament Psycho-Social Interpretation of the Psalms of Individual Lament.
10 N. Vivi Achumi AB2115/15 Christian Ministry (Edu.) Learner-Centred Approach to Education and its Implications for Theological Education in Nagaland.
11 C. Chemtingla Sangtam AA55816 New Testament John the Baptist as Defender of the Sovereignty of the Judean Hill People in the Gospel According to Luke.
12 Abraham Scaria P. AA1628/10 Counselling The Family Antecedents of Compulsive Internet Use Among Adolescents and Counselling Intervention.
13 Vinod S. Sailus AB455316 Missiology Shared Sacred Places for Holistic Mission: An Intercultural Analysis of the Appropriation of Faiths in the Selected Shrines in South India.
14 S. Ekonthung Ezung AA9652/14 Counselling Stress and Coping Patterns of Primary Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities in Nagaland: Implications for Pastoral Ministry.
15 Chakme Marak AA9629/14 Hist. of Christianity The Impact of Christianity on the Status of Women in Matrilineal Achik Society from 20th Century to the Present: An Analysis.
16 P.S. Loly AB1173/15 New Testament The Gospel of Matthew as Instructions for a Peripheral Community: A Tribal Reading.
17 K. Babu Jeyaraj AB 6741/17 Religion The Mother Goddess Adhiparasakti in Male Form: A New Cult and its Theological Challenges for Inter-Faith Dialogue.
18 Feno M. Thomas AB4557/16 Missiology Hesychasm as a Mission Paradigm: Exploring its Relevance for the Ashram Movement of Malankara Mar Thoma Syria Church.
19 S. John AB4546/16 Old Testament Re-Reading ‘Apocalyptic Symbolism’ as a Mode of Protest and Resistance with Special Reference to the Book of Daniel.
20 Menjiwapong AB117022/15 New Testament Environmental Dimension of Eschatology: An Ecological Reading of 2 Peter 3:1-13 and its Implications for Creation Care Among the Nagas.
21 P.R. Selvaraj AA5504/12 Religion Pluralistic Inclusivism and its Practice in the Writings of K.P. Aleaz: A Critique.


1 Imnabenla Jamir AA4473/15 Christian Ethics Towards a Relevant Sexual Ethics for India: Indian Churches Engagement with Homophobia with Reference to the Work of the National Council of Churches in India
2 James Inaho Swu AB1700/15 Counselling Psychosocial Wellbeing of Women Experiencing Domestic Violence in Nagaland: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
3 Toshitemjen AA3600/11 Hist. of Christianity A Historical Study of the Relationships between American Baptist Mission and British Colonialism in North East India with Reference to Nagaland.
4 Lalrokhuma Hmar AB4569/16 Hist. of Christianity Among the People of the Hills: A Postcolonial Reading of Selected Zosap Life-Writings in the History of Christianity in Mizoram.
5 S.N. Among Jamir AA9653/14 Christian Theology Imagining Ecclesia in the Context of Homophobia: Towards a Relevant Church.
6 F.H. Liansangzuala AB4563/16 Old Testament A Narrative-Critical Reading of the Gideon Narrative (Judges 6-8).
7 Imochujang AB4550/16 Hist. of Christianity The Contested Hegemony: Revisiting the Role of Protestant India Christians towards Building and Educational Discourse in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries India.
8 O. James Kithan AB6719/17 Christian Education Ethical Issues of End-of-Life Care in India: Towards an Indigenous Communitarian Health Care Ethics with Special Reference to Lotha Naga Community, Nagaland.
9 Shiluinla Jamir O. AB4556/16 Christian Education Towards a Christian Feminist Ethics from the Borderland: Rare Bodies of North East Indian Women as Text.
10 Tunchapbo AB1173/15 New Testament QUAEIA in Paul: A Sociological Inquiry in the Context of Domestic Helps in Naga Society.
11 Lalamwpuia Hauhnar AB6730/17 Old Testament Ethnic Identity of the Early Post Exilic Israel in the Book of Ezra and Nehemiah.
12 Lipoknenla AB4561/16 Communication Digital Games and Children’s Creative Imagination: Formulating a Pedagogy for the Churches in Nagaland.
13. I. Franklin AA5503/12 New Testament The Portrayal of the Salvific Mission of Jesus in Selected Johannine Signs: A Sociological Reading.
14 George Seb AA5248/15 Old Testament A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis of the Portrayal of YHWH and His Acts in the Exodus Plague Narrative with a Focus on the Knowledge of YHWH.
15 Mathew K. Muthalaly AA3602/11 Counselling The Effect of Systemic Psycho- Education Programme (SPEP) of Marital Quality: Implication for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
16 T. Samuel AA3610/11 Counselling Transition from Prison to Home-Life Adjustment Patterns of Ex-Prisoners in Tamilnadu: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
17 N. Jeramiah Swamidason Victor AB6725/17 Counselling Elder Abuse among Christian in Bangalore: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling.
18 Mary Kath AB6715/17 Women Studies A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Hospitality with Reference to Tribal Migrant Women Workers of North East India.
19 Eappen Varghese AA9662/14 Hist. of Christianity Transgressing the Boundaries: The Malabar Marthoma Syrian Christian Evangelistic Association and the Indigenous Missionary Initiatives in Colonial Travancore 1988-1947.
20 Ipetlung Lungalang AB4551/16 Christian Theology Towards a Theology of Human Rights in the Context of Hindutva Politics in Contemporary India in Critical Conversation with Jurgen Moltmann.
21 Gifta Angline Kumar AB4551/16 The Status of Women in the Writings and Teachings of Srila A.C. Bhaktisedanta Swami Prabhupada as Resource for Gender Equality in India Today.
22 P.R. Selvaraj AA5504 Pluralistic Inclusivism and its Practice in the Writings of K.P. Aleaz: A Critique