
Department of Research (SATHRI)

South Asia Theological Research Institute

 [email protected]


Eligibility for Admission



  • He/she shall be a person who has previously obtained the M.Th. degree of the Senate with a minimum of ‘B’ grade or person who in the opinion of the Committee for Research holds an equivalent qualification.
  • He/she shall fulfil the above requirement implicitly as there is no age bar for a person to be admitted to the D.Th. programme.
  • In exceptional cases, a person who while without a Serampore M.Th., in First or Second Class or an equivalent degree, has previously published creative research of a high scholarly standard and/or holds a M.Phil., or M.Litt., degree in First or high Second Class from an Indian university or foreign university with knowledge in theology may be deemed sufficient for registration to D.Th. programme.

Such applicants shall include with their application a statement of their qualifications including academic degree and other training and experience deemed relevant. Each applicant shall satisfy the Committee for Research that he/she has the ability to undertake doctoral studies. Copies of research papers presented and any published scholarly research work shall be submitted as evidence. Wherever necessary the Department for Research/SATHRI may call the applicant to write the Common Entrance Test (CET) and appear for an interview.